Nature Access Program
From fresh air to running freely in nature, children everywhere benefit from simply being in nature. Embracing nature sparks creative play, decreases stress levels, promotes a positive outlook, and restores overall wellness. SCFC aims to deliver a Nature Access Program (NAP) during the 2022-2023 school year for children residing in North Philadelphia to experience these same benefits. We believe that every child deserves access to the social-emotional and mental health benefits of spending time in nature.
Children living in nature-deficient areas, such as North Philadelphia, are being raised in areas void of public green spaces and there are countless barriers which impede access to nature. Families lack transportation or are unable to afford public transportation to facilitate park visits. Safety concerns present with even being outdoors in many communities. Families reported struggling with competing household demands and finding time to become immersed in nature.
To mitigate identified barriers, the Nature Access Program will deliver a program to those with the highest levels of nature deprivation by breaking the cycle and creating health equity programs for children in green and blue spaces in Philadelphia as an effort to build lifelong coping skills and positive mental well-being. SCFC is excited to plan and deliver a program addressing one of the largest challenges youth faces today - mental health.